The boys varsity golf team played in a triangular in Ames against Gilbert and North Polk on Tuesday, May 7. The Cubs won the nine hole meet with 145 points. Gilbert had 171 points, and North Polk had 172 points.
“It was a great opportunity to get on Ames Golf prior to sectionals,” said Head Coach Ryan Brown. “The guys played well again. We did a better job of sticking to our game plan and putting the ball on our target – in spots that maximum our ability to score effectively.”
Nevada placed five golfers in the top six in the individuals. Kyle Linder was the meet medalist shooting a 35, Tyler Sansgaard had 36, Dylan Sporrer and Harold Dobernecker shot a 37, Caden Jones shot a 38, and James Carsrud ended with a 42.
The Cubs’ regular season has ended, they have won their district meet to advance to state and will be participating in the state meet on May 23rd and 24th in Fort Dodge.
Article contributed by Jack Chandler