On Tuesday, April 9th, the Nevada boys soccer team traveled to play PCM. The boys lost 1-2 in a hard-fought game.
Overall the boy’s defense struggled at times, and with a cold offense they weren’t able to scrape by in the end.
Starting out in the first half, the boys admittingly went out of the gates slow and played lazy with little focus.
Sophomore Jose Buenrrostro said that the team passed sloppy and lost possession too frequently to compete in the first half.
Entering the second half, the boys made an effort to get themselves back in the game starting with a clean slate. They began to play better and with a goal from Kody Kruschwitz, the Cubs began to comeback.
Eventually their efforts fell short and it was just too late to pull ahead. Unfortunately the game resulted in a very disappointing loss.
The Cubs’ next game is Thursday night at home against Iowa Falls-Alden.
This article was contributed by Elliot Frideres.